Ever since Impressive Talent opened for business, we have been very particular about which voice over artists we added to our roster.
Each voice over artist on our roster is a professional talent who has coached for years and continues to attend conferences or learning sessions to keep up with the trends in the voice over arena.
Not only do we expect our talent to have a competitive studio, but each talent has competitive demos to showcase their abilities. Additionally, our talent are required to coach in editing classes. Each talent not only needs to sound good, they must have a professional home set up to manipulate their data, connect with clients around the world and provide 100% customer service for all clients. With many talent preferring directed sessions, our talent offer ISDN, Source Connect, ipdtl, bodalgocall, Skype, Phone patch and other connection options.
Amid the voice conferences and award shows for this industry, our talent continually showcase their expertise by winning annual competitions in the voice over arena.
If you have a project that needs a voice, send us an email and we can quickly get auditions for your project. Or if you like a specific voice on our site, send us an email with your project details and we’ll get the ball rolling.