Starting out with today’s example. A talent of Impressive Talent was emailed a Short-List for a modeling gig. The talent submitted for said gig so obviously they were interested in working the project. I called the talent because the email stated they needed a video ASAP to submit to the client. This job works 3 […]
In the big world of the entertainment industry, the amazing opportunities and projects can be exciting, fun and also at times troublesome. In this new world of AI where talent are being replaced by computer generated images and voices, talent are struggling to find decent opportunities at worthwhile prices. Most established talent have some “regular” […]
At Impressive Talent, although we book lots of work in a variety of genres, we do not take on all work sent or offered to us. Why? Low Rates. What are Low Rates? Rates are compiled by assessing the following information for each unique project: What is the planned usage for this particular project? Where […]
When you have a representative to help you find jobs, the last thing they want to do is receive your criticism, whether it’s helpful or not. Remember, your agent/manager/representative is working many hours each day and what you do not see is so much behind the scenes work before you are presented with an audition […]
Since starting Impressive Talent, the majority of our talent have had what we hoped they’d have, drive, a vision, a goal to work as much work as possible in the genres of talent each talent is trained in. When you are accepted into a position of being on someone’s roster, not only does said company […]
In the big world of the entertainement business, everyone is an individual. Everyone in unique. Therefore, everyone must always “label” the file name of their documents with any and all submissions, whether for representation, submission on an audition or even for a callback/shortlist situation. Let’s start with a resume. Every resume should at least be […]
In the entertainment industry, nothing is a “go” until you sign on the dotted line, whether that be a consent, release or contract of some sort, These legal documents are a are requirement to protect all parties and enforce what is the scope of said project. A big notation about these documents, is they are […]
In the wonderful world of acting and modeling, at times the talent waiting for the actual location, time, and many other details must wait for that final email before they know their final instructions before their shoot, Usually the call sheet is sent out the night before At times the call sheet may be sent […]
When we review talent for our company, we do not always see the full picture of each talent, who they are actually as a human being. In today’s world, the most desireable talent are talent who have: Coached with multiple coaches over several years Spoken to their agency about what type of head shots get […]
At Impressive Talent, we are very concerned about the usage of artificial intelligence in the entertainment area. This new process can and has affected some of our talent in a variety of ways. The biggest issues with AI are: The use of AI can and has been used to upend the amount of pay a […]
The commercial print industry is constantly looking for talent—both actors and models—to pose for the covers and pages of publications advertising goods and services. Unlike fashion or runway modeling, print does not require to a strict set of physical requirements. Instead, agencies and brands are simply seeking the right look. Depending on your appearance, special […]
If You are a Voice Over talent, Actor, or Model, Stick to Your Job and Show Your Interest to Succeed
In the entertainment industry, there is always risk. It’s part of the challenge, to make it in this unknown industry and have success and hopefully work your way up the ladder. There can frequently be obstacles in the way, lack of income, coaching, family, pandemics, shut-downs etc. The best way to be true to yourself […]
In the entertainment industry, there are frequently conferences of many varieties for talent to learn their trade more, compete for awards or be exposed to people in a specific industry who are sharing their knowledge. These can be animation forums, actor training classes, voice over coachings, award ceremonies and the list goes on. It is […]
Whether you are a new talent to the entertainment industry, or an established pro seeking new or additional representation, the best way to reach out to a potential representative in the industry is to follow their submission requirements directly on their website. Most agents have clear instructions on how to submit and be considered listed […]
When you are in school, part of what you are taught is how to follow instructions. In the big world of graduating from school, you are expected to be able to follow written instructions. Unfortunately many new, current and pro talent lack the ability to take the time to read instructions and submit whatever may […]
In the entertainment industry, many talent have multiple representatives they work with to potentially increase their bookings to grow their resume. It’s a big boost to your ego to have so many options to receive opportunities from. There is a downside though, receiving the same audition from more than one representative. Let’s chat about what […]
If you reach out and have representation of any type in the entertainment industry, this means you are looking for assistance with your career from an industry pro. As a talent, this typically means you will work with the representative’s rules, respond when you’re reached out to and be a considerate and cordial person when […]
WOW, all I can say is wow. Today we received a very detailed voice over audition from a relatively new client. For voice over, typically you have the rate, usage, character or role descriptions and the script. For today’s project, not only was the above all listed, but there were two roles with two different […]
In today’s world of acting, whether it’s on-camera or voice over, there is still a 4 way split of talent. Non-union talent account for a large amount of talent in the entertainment industry. These talent have no restrictions, because they are non-union. If a non-union talent does work a union project, they may or may […]
The political arena is picking up pace again as we near another big election year. Who will be running for president in 2024? Who will be running for governor, senate, house, sheriff, judge, and everything in-between? At Impressive Talent, we have the voice for what ever your political preference may be. We understand that election […]
When you want to be an on camera talent, the first way anyone sees you to consider you for said role is through your head shot. What is a head shot? A head shot represents a professional image of a talent that matches their every day look, usually edited a bit by professional photographers to […]
When a company or production house or ad agency has a job to fill, we see all sorts of rates for these projects. Some projects pay very well, some pay horribly and some are in a mix of unknown because the usage is not identified clearly. When hiring a talent, you do not just pay […]
Remember the Saturday Night Live skit from way back when which featured Mark and Wendy Whiner? Anything and everything they experienced in life they had to complain about it, non stop. In the entertainment industry, no one wants to hear a whiner. If you’ve got complaints, work it out, don’t go to your agent, cd, […]
When a talent in the entertainment industry decides they want representation, know it isn’t all peaches and cream. You will be responsible for your end of the deal and the agent will be responsible for their end of the deal. The potential discussions about representation include: Region representation is covered Type of entertainment the agent […]
In the big, fabulous world of the entertainment industry, there are many traps that can limit a talent’s growth and experience by deceitful practices all around. Who can you trust? Who shouldn’t you trust? Let’s chat today about the following topics: Agents Agents that Double Dip Managers Pay to Play site Agent A talent agent […]
Around the world, talent and at times production and clients are unaware of what FiCore is. Learn from this video: Even if you have a SAG-AFTRA production, you legally can hire non-union talent If you have a non-union production, you are welcome to hire a union talent, but if the talent lies about their union […]
In the complicated world of being hired for a job in the entertainment industry, it’s almost a guarantee that each individual job will be different from all of the others. There is no straight and narrow path because each job has it’s own production, crew, directors and goals. When you have an agent submitting you […]
Talent of all genres have struggled for years to get better paying rates for jobs. Unfortunately the rates have been sliding downward for some time. What can we do to fix them? You as the people who get paid for the jobs need to put your foot down and state you will only work the […]
If you are a professional voice over talent residing in the USA, you should already have a paid Source Connect Standard or Pro account. Source Connect is a software that connects you to any other client or production house that uses the same software. When it is used, you sound like you are in the […]
The short answer is no. No, no, no! How do I know? I called SAG-AFTRA months ago and had a long discussion with them. If you receive an audition request or posting requesting talent who are only “union” talent, meaning SAG-AFTRA or Ficore, submit anyway even if you are not a union talent. A union […]
Frequently when reviewing new talent, we see talent who are advised from so called coaches to leave off parts of their bookings on their resumes. Some of the biggest genres of acting being left off is commercial and print bookings. The people who advise talent to leave off categories are misinformed and their coaching is […]
In the entertainment industry, there’s always work to do. In today’s world it’s more complicated than ever before to do the work of an entertainer/actor/model/voice talent due to our pandemic. Fortunately there are a few potential fringe benefits if you worked a job for a video or print production and the client was pleased with […]
In the entertainment industry, there’s many ways to find acting, modeling and voice over opportunities. Some talent like to have professionals assist them to find the “bigger jobs”. Some talent never want to share a penny of their income and find all of their work on their own, some find the right agent who doesn’t […]
In most instances, if a talent books a job through an agent, the proper procedures occur, passing the wand of communication from agent to talent and talent being responsible to show up on time and being prepared for the shoot date and/ or record date. If you are an adult, you are fully responsible for […]
In today’s digital age, anyone can create, edit, revise and send documents quickly from their computer or mobile devices. Unfortunately, these devices make it easy for people to slack and not take the time to label said file as requested or with their first and last name. Why does labeling a document or photo matter? […]
In the entertainment industry, everything is rush rush until you are booked, then you as a talent are stuck waiting for details for said shoot. Additionally if you are put on hold, first refusal or are pinned it’s the same situation. Behind the scenes, we cannot see what is happening, in the end these people […]
Since Impressive Talent was created, we’ve been informing talent from all walks of life that commercial credits are a must have in the entertainment industry. Frequently we see this: Commercial (credits to be provided upon request) The above is not acceptable on any resume. It actually implies that you have no commercial credits. On the […]
If you wish to be an actor or model, the most important investment is your head shots. Why? These are what are submitted to producers and casting directors who decide who gets to audition for projects. Below are three of our talent all with Fantastic head shots! What do professionals want to see in head […]
Corona Virus, Covid 19, the pandemic or whatever you want to call it has altered the way the entertainment industry works in 2020 and beyond. Every production with in person talent has skyrocketed in price with the extra expenses of Covid tests, Covid delays, certified Covid professionals and extended hotel stays. Everyone wants to be […]
If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it several hundred times, “Hiya, yeah, I am ready to be a voice over talent. My wife says my voice is really good and my mom agrees. I am ready to work.” It’s a rarity for any type of talent to skyrocket to fame based on compliments from […]
Life in the entertainment industry is never a 9-5 job. Every producer, director, client, ad agency, marketing agency etc. works in a rapid paced environment. Their projects are started well before any potential talent are involved. Once the job hits the talent agency, these industry pros are anxious to compare talent and present potential talent […]
The never ending decision for talent seekers is, where to find talent? How do they know the talent are professionals? Will they accept your rate? Will they be on time to the shoot or recording? Will they even show up at all? When working with Impressive Talent, you have a full one stop shop. Our […]
In the entertainment industry, many jobs are kept tight-lipped for several reasons. The producers do not want any talent to reveal any details if it’s a juicy weekly show, a talent on set may have something drastic, dreadful or incredible happen to them and they do not want anything leaked out to the public or […]
I wanted to touch base on a few issues I’ve heard in the past few months.. I hope you’ll be open to reading and viewing. 1. If you whisper you must up your gain, if you yell, you must turn down your gain. I know the direction for jobs is all over the place, but […]
All around the world, individuals, companies, production houses, radio stations and tv affiliates need voices for a large variety of projects. In these days of Covid, the recording for projects has completely change in the voiceover world. How do you find the right voice for your project and what information do you need to provide […]
Everyone wants to be an actor. Many say they are actors and have a well organized resume and documentation to back them up. Others say they are an actor and you can see by going to their YouTube channel, TikTok account or podcast. That’s the issue, everyone has their own idea of what a professional […]
I wanted to share some information about being SAG- AFTRA versus being Ficore, which is just about the same thing except you are not limited to the types of jobs you can do if you go Ficore. SAG-AFTRA and Ficore are essentially the same thing. You are a paying union member with a SAG ID […]
Ever since Impressive Talent opened for business, we have been very particular about which voice over artists we added to our roster. Each voice over artist on our roster is a professional talent who has coached for years and continues to attend conferences or learning sessions to keep up with the trends in the voice […]
Just a quick update about First Refusals, which can be one step before you book a job. A First Refusal means you are one of the final choices for the client. If you get a First Refusal, you would need to block off certain dates and respond back to ME ASAP to let me know if you […]
As an agency, we are submitting talent to casting directors all of the time. These submissions occur through casting databases like Casting Networks, Casting Frontier and others. To submit talent, each talent must have a profile set up online. When you create your profile, you must have bright, colorful photos to make your headshot stand […]
I noticed a commission rate subject has been discussed online lately so I wanted to address how things work at Impressive Talent. My goal is to be a fair anti-exclusive agent who provides many opportunities for my talent. First, The commissions at Impressive Talent are: Union 10% Anything else 15% Sometimes jobs will pay extra […]
Are you a company, marketing group, advertising agency or small business looking for actors to assist with your marketing? Here at Impressive Talent, we understand that you want to make sure to find the right talent for whatever your project may require. Whether you need actors, print models, voiceover artists or hosts we can provide […]
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