If you reach out and have representation of any type in the entertainment industry, this means you are looking for assistance with your career from an industry pro. As a talent, this typically means you will work with the representative’s rules, respond when you’re reached out to and be a considerate and cordial person when communicating with the representative. The more the representative knows about you, the more likely they can identify better jobs to fit you and try to get you auditions and booked jobs for your skills.
Now let’s toss the coin the other direction. The majority of representatives out there do minimal communication with their talent. This is common procedure, especially for someone in the industry who has 500 or more talent. It’s hard to know every talent on a personal basis. What can you do to make yourself more visible to your representative?
- Work with the representative to make sure you have everything lined up to have your information and profiles the best they can be. Speak to your representative and take their advice regarding head shots, demos and voice over demos.
- Keep your profile updated. Get new head shots annually. If you are a voice over talent, continue to coach with well knowns coaches and update your demos every few years.
Do not ask your representative what they think of the majority of your auditions. If you are unsure, hire a coach to help you out. Most representative/talent relationships do work out, but if yours does not, arrange a time to chat to see if you can work things out.